Your Sales Funnel Is Scaring Ideal Clients Away!

Your ideal clients are ready to invest in a solution right now, but they’re buying from some else instead. SO frustrating! Is it because you’re invisible? Because you’re an unknown? Because you haven’t created the right offer yet? Or is it because your sales funnel doesn’t work? It’s simple, really. YOUR soulmate clients aren’t buying from you for one of two reasons:

~ either they haven’t noticed you (because your content isn’t attracting them)

~ or they’re clicking away and buying from someone else (because your content isn’t converting them).

I’ve met a lot of people who think creating the right content is hard, time consuming, and confusing. But I’m here to assure you that it’s actually super easy once you know HOW. There are certain elements that all content needs to have before it’s going to attract dreamy clients. Some people stumble on these elements intuitively. But most of us have to learn it somewhere. (And it doesn’t involve anything pushy, sleazy, icky or dishonest.)

Meanwhile, I bet you’ve been tempted by all kinds of other things you hoped would fix this – Facebook ads, copywriters, creating new offers, investing in courses, coaches, and more. Unfortunately, none of this works until you get clear about your captivating message, and fix the leaks in your sales funnel!


  • Facebook ads don’t cure a broken sales funnel, they merely send more traffic into the funnel.
  • Copywriters make your message more compelling, but they still need to know what that message is. Hand them the wrong message for your unique business, and you end up attracting the wrong people.
  • Creating new offers means MORE work for you and you still have to create a successful sales funnel to sell it.


And of course, investing in your education and growth is awesome, but make sure the course or coach can help you with where you’re at and what you’re ready for. I’ve seen too many people learn how to set up complex sales funnels and get very discouraged when it doesn’t fill their business with clients because they never learned how to fill the funnel with the right content.

The solution to ALL of this is a CLEAR message, woven into compelling content that SPEAKS to the people you really want to work with.

Content that makes them feel something about what you’re saying and helps them achieve the goals they already want to achieve. People do a great job of convincing themselves they need something. You’d be SHOCKED how many people showed up to your website ready to buy but got confused before they found a place to enter their credit card info!

In other words, it all starts with knowing what the difference is ~ between YOUR sales funnel, and a funnel that fills your business with soulmate clients (and your bank account with lots of zeroes!)

Today is the day you stop GUESSING and start KNOWING how to successfully sell your offers.


Do You Have These 3 Types Of Content?

There’s three kinds of content every successful sales process/sales funnel needs:

💌 Content that ATTRACTS the right people at the right time to be ready to buy
💌 Content that CONVERTS fans into potential buyers
💌 Content that SELLS so they grab their wallets with glee and say YES!

Your sales funnel won’t work unless it has each of these types of content. ONE piece of content can do ALL of these things! But make no mistake, you still need all 3 components to succeed.

I hope you know by now that I won’t leave you with that! I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to craft all 3 types of content this month. Keep reading…


Is Your Sales Funnel Leaking In One Of These Spots?

Even if you did nothing else but get that sorted out, you’d attract, convert and sell. But, you’re here to make a difference. You’re here to have MASSIVE impact and income, so you need the biggest ROI with the least investment (of time, effort, and money). Which means you’ll want to implement these elements as well:

🎯 Alignment – each piece of content needs to be aligned with your core message. The second something goes off-message, you could lose a sale.

⚡ Cohesion – each piece of content needs to build off of and work in conjunction with the other pieces. The second your audience gets confused about how this piece relates to the other pieces, you’ve lost a sale.

♻️ Flow – The flow between one step and the next step needs to be seamless. If your reader takes the next step and then questions whether they landed in the right place, you’ve lost a sale. When done well, your reader asks a question in their mind, based on what they just learned from you, and the next piece offers them the answer to that very question.

🔮 Buyer psychology – for the biggest ROI, you need to tap into buyer psychology. But don’t worry – you can do this with integrity and authenticity! When done well, your potential client will never feel pressured (except their own internal pressure to solve their problem), and they will feel like THEY are the one in control, calling the shots and making the best damn decision possible. Clients grab their wallets with glee and THANK YOU for your service when they feel confident that they’re making the best decision for what they need right now. No tricks, no scams, no snake oil. YOU believe in your ability to change their life, so there’s no reason you can’ sell your offers with complete honesty. Buyer psychology simply helps your ideal clients FEEL that all this is possible for them too and invest in THEIR ability to create change.

Those are the elements of a successful sales funnel that attracts, converts, and sells (while you focus on serving your clients your best work and taking care of your most valuable business asset – YOU!)


A Checklist Of Sales Funnel Success Factors

Take a look at your content – your Facebook posts, blog posts, videos, opt-in freebies, emails, etc. and use this post as a checklist.

☑ On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your client ATTRACTING content?
☑ On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your client CONVERTING content?
☑ On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your client SELLING content?

☑ On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the ALIGNMENT of your sales funnel?
☑ On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the COHESION of your sales funnel?
☑ On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the FLOW of your sales funnel?
☑ On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the PSYCHOLOGY of your sales funnel?

Bonus questions ~
☑ On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the AUTHENTICITY of your message?
☑ On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the CONFIDENCE of your message?
☑ On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the EMOTION in your message?



Join me on the Real To Ideal Facebook page every Wednesday in October 2017 for a free live training to help you craft your most clear & captivating message and use it to create content that attracts, converts, and sells so YOU can get the best ROI possible with the least time, effort, and money!

Wednesday October 11 ~ Step 1 of a successful sales funnel: Getting clear on what you do, who you serve, and how you get results [Replay here!]

Wednesday October 18 ~ Step 2 of a successful sales funnel: Distilling your message to its essence makes EVERYTHING easier

Wednesday October 25 ~ Step 3 of a successful sales funnel: Content That Attracts
Wednesday November 1 ~ Step 4 of a successful sales funnel: Content That Converts
Wednesday November 8 ~ Step 5 of a successful sales funnel: Content That Sells


✨ Questions? Comments? Feedback? High fives? Drop a comment below and let me know! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

✨ And of course, if you’re starting to see your own marketing efforts in a whole new light and you want to fix it FAST, let’s chat!

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